miércoles, 11 de febrero de 2009

Life, Sex and Birth - Women, Flowers and City: Collection of Emotions


An art gallery and cultural center in London city.



I was walking with her around the city. 
Nothing new. We used to do it without any purpose.

We were talking and laughing. 
Nothing new. We used to talk for hours and hours, and of course, we used to laugh for hours and hours.

We were not looking for something special, but as everything that is a gift in our life, we suddenly stop in front of Barbican, and there was a new exhibition we didn’t know about: “Self, Life and Death”. 

Interesting. “Lets go”, we said.

Hundreds of photos were placed in two different levels. The name of the artist:

Nobuyoshi Araki.

No idea.
Now we know. 
We don’t talk about him; we just look at his works. 

The images were totally different of what we were used to see in the exhibitions. We were totally overwhelming. Some were vulgar, some lascivious, some beautiful and soft, some others lurid, sentimental, sexual, erotic. However, I was shocked. I was totally shocked.

Araki´s works are pure movement, static movement. 

I had to stop in almost every photo. I had to take my time. 
Every image is more than that, is a moment, a piece of life and death.

What intimacy is?
What private and what public?
What’s sex, what’s love, what’s crude and what’s beauty?

Araki plays. 
Yes, he plays.
But in the game, trough the playing, he becomes – for me- in one of the most authentic photographers I have never known. 

In this opportunity I like to post only few images of flowers.
I love flowers.

I apologize for not showing more, but today I just want to feel the life, the death and the love in these amazing and extraordinary samples of nature.

I also apologize because of my English. I haven’t written in English for a while, but I did this especially for Jihyun.

From Colombia to Korea with love and memories.


2 comentarios:

  1. god!! how could you remember so visually like that!!! This is so beautiful
    I almost feel to cry! Thank you for reminding me one of our memories and the special mood but also nice works. I don't remember how works were like exactly.. I just remember that I was in the unique mood came from those emotional photos. Your writing really led me into thinking about life and death and feeling alive again. Thanks and love for our life.

    And I'd like to say your english is just splendid!

  2. I really like your english. It doesn't sound as irish as it really is...
    ahora si en serio, muy bonitas las imagenes...es raro como la imagen de la flor se ha erotizado...me acorde de la escena de the wall de las flores.
